I wish we had the kind of funds it would take to buy a home in the historic party of Charleston, SC.

But we don’t.

Trust me.
I was following a horse-drawn carriage tour down the street, and I overheard the tour guide telling people how much it cost to live there…we. can’t. afford. it.

(Yes, I was eavesdropping on a tour that I didn’t technically pay for…for several blocks…or more.)

Jen played a little game like this on her blog a few weeks ago, and I loved the idea so much that I’m doing my own Charleston version!

I like to play the “which house would I pick if I won lottery?” game with myself.
(You know you play that game too!!!)

So…which Charleston house would you choose?
{I’m personally partial to #3}
Have a great day!
I’d pick number 1!
I love those colors…and those cool planters too! Good choice!
Same tastes! 🙂
Ooh it was close between 1 & 3, but I think I’d have to go with 3! Such beautiful homes!
~Abby =)
Aren’t they? There are just streets and streets lined with them…
I played this same game while in the garden district of New Orleans a few weeks ago. 🙂 If you love these houses you would love the garden district in New Orleans too.
That’s definitely on my to-do list! 🙂
I’ve got my name on #2! Love those shutters! But the balcony on #5 is cute, too!
SOLD to Jessica!
Number three with the red door, for sure. It looks very stately, yet approachable, too.
You might have to fight some people over #3! 🙂
April, I live in Charleston! Actually we live in NOrth Charleston, the next street over is Summerville. I LOVE going downtown to shop! I would love to to meet once you are settled!
We aren’t moving, we were just recently there for a little vacation! Funny, a lot of Mr. Hoff’s coworkers live in Summerville! Great place! 🙂
3! Definitely 3. I just love love love that porch 🙂
Did you see it’s for sale? You should buy it and invite us all over! 🙂