I was not ready for the first day of kindergarten, but my daughter sure was!
Just like that our baby is a kindergartener, and I’d be lying if I told you there hasn’t been a lump in my throat for the last week or so. It really is a happy and exciting day for all of us, but you know how hard it can be to see your baby grow up. As hard as it will be for me to see her walk through the door of her kindergarten classroom today, I know this day isn’t about me at all…
It’s about her.
And this girl is ready. 😉
She’s ready to walk through those doors and give it her best.
Ready to use that bright, outgoing personality of hers to make new friends.
Ready to run around like a maniac at recess, eat in a real cafeteria, and write her name on top of her papers.
Ready to learn more about writing and reading and counting and spelling!
Ready to try her best at whatever she does, knowing whether or not she succeeds doesn’t really matter to us. We’ll love her just the same.
She’s ready to be a kindergartener, and we’re ready to cheer her on every step of the way!
This girl is our greatest joy and our greatest gift, and we couldn’t be more proud of her.
Now. If you need me, I’ll be curled up on the couch with my kleenex for the rest of the day…
Have a great day! 🙂
Awwwwww! Such a sweet post. Best of luck to both of you!
Thank you, Nancy! 🙂
Absolutely adorable, this made me want to cry too, I have been watching this sweet girl grow up too, just doesn’t seem possible! Enjoy every second I know you both will!. (Love her outfit)
Thank you so much, Mary Jane! You are so sweet! 🙂
She is so cute! I remember that first day of kindergarten and it is emotional. Good luck!
Thank you so much, Lynda! 🙂
hey girl- I hope Miss L had a great first day of school yesterday! Love the pics!
Thank you, Shawnna! She sure did! xo
So happy that I get to watch this sweet little one learn and grow
We’re SO LUCKY to have you as we transition to a new school and a new phase! It is so much easier for me just knowing you care about her! 😉